Heya, nice to meet you!

I've been in the web hosting industry for 11.5 years, happily working for my near and dear to the heart SiteGround. There I made events and partnerships happen and helped shape and execute our marketing strategy with a small team of dedicated, hard-working and absolutely incredible people. I also helped organize WordCamp Sofia (2013) WordCamp Europe (2014, 2015), and Bulgaria PHP (2015, 2016).

I am currently heading marketing at Codeable - a fully distributed scale up from Denmark.

I am also consulting some small start ups from my local ecosystem on their strategic marketing, branding and business development activities.

I wind down playing tennis, lifting weights, windsurfing or snowboarding.  Incredibly fortunate to be sharing all of my hobbies with the best boyfriend-husband-to-be on earth.

Fan of everything in moderation, yet painfully curious, organized and almost as painfully impatient. Big on small impact living, small details, giving back, intentional communities, eating well, exercising often and internal zen.

Never hesitate to drop me a line or say hi.