
Reason #1
Back at school I used to be good with words, or at least that's what both my Bulgarian and English classes teachers said. Remarkably, so did my grades. Fast forward ~15 years. A business administration degree from an English University, predominant business email communication in English, work load, stress and constant rush made me feel incredibly uncomfortable about writing. Especially about non-work, non-business, retrospective stuff. I catch myself consciously avoiding the opportunity to write for our company blog, I cringe at the thought of writing as I feel I am not that good with words anymore.

When I do write, I am painfully slow and go through a gazillion of revisions. All that, combined with my impatience ultimately discourages me even more. Of course, I want to change that. So I decided to get back to blogging. I am not going to commit to writing a post a day, a month or whatever. But I am going to commit to improving my writing skills which I firmly believe will also improve my communications skills. And I know practice, training and experimenting is what it takes.

Reason #2
I find useful, productive, beautiful and generally cool stuff every day. Then I quickly forget about most of it and when I need to find it, it's often impossible to trace it in the information overload stream. So I want to drop that stuff here. First, when I write about it, I'll definitely remember it and then, in case I need a reference, I'll know where to look.

So you see, I have two simple yet very selfish reasons here. Still, I hope you'll find a little something for yourself and hope to see you around.

Thanks for stopping by!