
Most of my reading I do online, however more and more often reading everything on screen feels very temporary and quite unsubstantial. Which is why I love my Offscreen time. Offscreen is a beautifully printed magazine that tells the behind the scenes stories of hard work and creative thinking that goes with the creation of our digital lifestyle - websites, games, apps and pretty much everything made of bits and pixels. Since the first time I had it in my hands, the magazine felt intimately personal and incredibly authentic and now that I know the long-awaited issue No. 11 is shipping, I can't wait to get it,  blissfully break from my always-on mode and read it cover to cover (as I always do).


And if quality content and pure authenticity is not enough to go subscribe for the next issues, let me tell you this: Offscreen's 160 pages are produced by a one-man operation run by Kai Brach who is incredibly transparent and regularly posts about his publishing process, design decisions, working with contributors all if which is as interesting as the publication itself. Kai's dedication to quality and attention to detail remarkable!

Do yourself a favor and subscribe for Offscreen.