I'll be going on a work trip the coming week and was wondering what could I eat on the plane, as I really want to avoid airplane food. So I decided to make some protein nut balls - they are super easy to carry and you should have no problem with clearing security check with them. They are also super nutrient-dense and protein-full and should be good to help survive the 24h+ flight.



Pretty much what you see on the picture above, plus some water, lemon juice and hempseeds which I forgot to put on the pic:

  • 5 tbs raw sesame seeds
  • 3-4 tbs raw cocoa chips
  • 6 dates
  • 6 tbs raw walnuts
  • 6 tbs raw cashew
  • 5 tbs unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 2 tbs coconut oil
  • 4 tbs sunflower seeds
  • 4 tbs hempseeds
  • 4 tbs dried raspberries (or other fruit choice, goji berries work perfect too)
  • fresh lemon juice from 1 lemon
  • Cinnamon 
  • 1 big scoop of your favorite protein powder


The preparation of any nut balls is really super easy.

Step 1: Just put everything in a food processor or a blender and stir everything well once all ingredients are blended. I usually start with the nuts first, then add the fruit, cinnamon and protein. My blender is not super fancy and powerful, so I blend one thing at a time. In the end add the lemon juice and a little bit of water until you get sticky "dough".  This time around, I didn't want to use water, so my "dough" is a bit fluffy.


Step 2: Roll into small  balls. Roll the balls into additional coconut or hempseeds.



Step 3: Take a pic, eat and enjoy! Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.


You can totally experiment with the recipe, and add almonds or other dried fruit of your choice - I used what I had available at the moment and the result is very, very yummy!