Reasons #2 for starting this blog was that I needed a digital hub to collect and store my daily random finds. It took me a while to figure out the most appropriate format and the frequency of posting these, but it's now time to give it a go. I'll start with weekly posts, limiting the resources to 6 each. I just like the idea of both repetition and constraints to make it a habit.
- Hemingway App makes your writing bold and clear.
- Wall decals heaven.
- A comprehensive guide to using proper typographic characters, including correct grammatical usage. Has to be bookmarked by anyone writing content.
- Rain impeding your texting? Try the phone-brella by kt design. Also, this makes the perfect branded company umbrella.
- The New Devil's Dictionary is brilliant. And my day is totally gone.
- Designspiration and Wookmark are both places to discover, share and bookmark design inspiration.
1 Comment
Hemingway has no idea how Google interprets articles. It will help you become a more concise writer but it will not help optimize your content for search. Don’t get me wrong, I still use Hemingway every so often to make sure the mechanics of my writing are solid, but I’ve been relying on the INK platform’s search optimization features more and more.