I have decided to leave SiteGround and today was my last official working day with the company. While I was telling my colleagues the news, many of them asked me why and what’s next. I’ve decided to write this post and hopefully answer these questions for people I couldn’t talk to in person, or didn’t have time to chat about everything.

So why?

About a year ago I started feeling like I needed a break and a change of scenery without really knowing why. I noticed that I didn’t wake up with the same energy and enthusiasm for work as before. Those of you who know-know me, know that when I’m into something, I am 110% into it. At one point I realized this was no longer the case. When that’s not the case, I just don’t feel comfortable with myself.

On the other hand, SiteGround is an incredibly comfortable place, and a very special one - awesome humans, great professionals, exciting challenges, tons of new learning. Despite all that, after almost 11 years with the company, the challenges no longer felt as exciting, and nothing really was surprising me anymore. I realized I was in a serious comfort zone. A comfort zone in which I wasn’t comfortable with myself.

About that same time, I went through a break up in my personal life. This change looked incredibly scary, but soon I found it was the better thing that could happen to both of us. We were happier soon after. Upon reflection, I also realized that the break up was largely due to putting ourselves and our relationship in a serious comfort zone.

This personal experience taught me that we humans are great at putting ourselves in comfort zones and breaking them is incredibly hard. Hard, but probably the best thing we can do to ourselves. After several months of debating what exactly happens without SiteGround (I still don’t know), I finally decided to make the move. I spoke to our management team who were incredibly supportive and understanding, we planned the transition, worked on it for a couple of months, and I am glad that today I leave SiteGround in the best possible way.

What’s next?

A few months of vacation and then I will figure out the rest. I have no immediate plans for starting a new job and will explore the opportunity of either business consulting/contract work on my own, or I will dig deeper into an idea I’ve always been passionate about. I remain available for interesting challenges, so if you have something in mind, hit me up. Just keep in mind that I will probably respond after June 20th as I will be mostly away from the Internets until then.

Me and a couple of close SiteGround (surprised?) friends are heading to a music festival in Barcelona and then I’m volunteering at another festival here in Bulgaria. SiteGround people were also hugely awesome to invite me as a guest of honor to our annual company teambuilding, which this year is going to be a private music festival on the Bulgarian seaside (following last year's success with the Open Air Mountain edition) and is right after the festival I’ll be volunteering at! So, my time off is starting with a good festival spree and I can’t be more excited about it.

One more thing…

SiteGround is where I grew up (literally), SiteGround is where my friends are, SiteGround taught me everything I know and can today. SiteGround feels like my company, SiteGround is family. I feel deep respect for the people there and I will miss it a lot - to me, it’s still the best place one could be at. I will be forever thankful to each and every one I’ve worked with for everything they’ve taught me, for the patience, guidance, sharing and support - both personally and professionally. I am confident in SiteGround’s leadership and vision and am sure that it will continue to be the awesome company it is today.

With that in mind, we (yes, we, it will likely always be we!) are hiring and look for fantastic people to join the growing marketing team. Check out the open positions and if you see yourself in one of them, or know someone who will fit, don’t hesitate to apply and spread the word!


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