Personal Category

Dear 2018

Dear 2018, you've been bitter-sweet. I had to reinvent myself professionally. I tried to create a business out of my active living outdoor lifestyle. Fast. I learned that monetizing anything...
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To my brother

Heya, bro! You were a bit too quick to leave, so I couldn't say a proper goodbye. I'm writing here instead. I know I wasn't always the best sister in the world and you probably have a hundred...
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Dear 2017

Dear 2017, you've been great to me. I Finally Started to Let Go I let go of the place I called home which I built with so much energy, passion and love. Selling your home is not easy, but then...
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SiteGround, I’ll miss you!

I have decided to leave SiteGround and today was my last official working day with the company. While I was telling my colleagues the news, many of them asked me why and what’s next. I’ve...
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10 Years of SiteGround

December 5th, 2015 marked my 10-year anniversary with SiteGround. Being with the same company for 10 years is a long time. I often get asked how I managed to stay that long without getting bored, or...
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